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Hi there, I'm McKenna!

Or as some call me, kenn

Education + Certifications

BS Kinesiology: Western Washington University

Holistic Nutritionist: Institute of Holistic Nutrition

CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist): NSCA

Level 1 Nutrition Coach: Precision Nutrition

A personal note

In my perfect world, I'd bake weekly, travel monthly, eat lots of dark chocolate, never drink too much coffee, hike around the world, host dinners with friends, own a home in Slovenia, and build a bakery. After finishing school & considering what was next, I moved to Madrid & called it home for a bit. In the fall of 2022, I moved to Ontario, Canada to work for a long-time mentor & fellow nutritionist. I quickly called Canada my home away from home.

I was born in the beautiful state of Washington & it will always be my first home, But as the years go on, I'm starting to believe that it's the people in our lives who truly make a place, a home. 

Friends & family might say...

I frequently devour food, experiment with sourdough bread regularly, collect jars, whip up nutritious meals (although sometimes a fail), enjoy researching health-related topics, like to learn about photography & design, a bit disorganized, & usually in bed by 9 (although the Spanish lifestyle pushed this back a little). 

A bit more personal

My journey into holistic nutrition stemmed from a few things. I grew up playing soccer but after hitting puberty, my performance practically plummeted. I began struggling with my weight & alongside that, my self-confidence went out the window. Needless to say, I wanted to look better & feel healthier.

I started moving more, ate a few extra vegetables, & cared a little less about what others thought (still a work in progress). Pretty quickly, things began to change. I really didn't know anything about losing weight, & had never lifted a dumbbell in my life - but I managed to lose over 30 pounds. This sparked a passion to learn more about the body & how I could help others with something similar.

In 2018, I graduated from Western Washington University with my bachelor's in Kinesiology. I later became a CSCS, worked 1:1 with youth athletes, & began diving into the world of nutrition, where I quickly discovered just how important proper nourishment is for our performance on the field, but more importantly, our health as a WHOLE. In 2021, I graduated from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition (IHN) - one of the most impactful experiences of my life.

But honestly, those years weren't easy.

In 2017, I started having crippling digestive issues - constant bloating, horrendous gas, pain in my stomach, & with that, deep insecurities about how I looked. If you've dealt with chronic bloat, you get it. This led me down a long path of my own health challenges with disordered eating, kidney stones, Colitis, H. Pylori, Gastritis, SIBO, Amenorrhea, Hyperthyroidism, Autoimmunity, Osteopenia at 25... It's been an exhausting journey to say the least.

I don't exaggerate when I say I've tried nearly everything. And a lot of women who come to me say the same thing about their experiences.


I used to hope that one day it'd all just go away. That suddenly I'd feel normal. I'd have my period back, the bloat would be gone, migraines would be rare, & my kidneys wouldn't need another surgery. But the more I learned, the more I realized that it's a process. Finding relief, especially with chronic conditions, is not impossible - but it requires time, trial & error (your body is unique!), & most importantly, we need the right support system. 

After many years of studying & experimenting with what works for my body, I've found resources & made lifestyle changes that have had incredible impacts on my life. Three years later, my period finally came back, the bloating has significantly improved, & I haven't had a migraine in almost 16 months (you bet I'm counting lol). 

Overcoming these challenges, & understanding that it's a lifelong process, led me to become a Holistic Nutritionist. I know what it's like to walk a similar path & because of that, it's my mission to provide other women the support I once needed when I was in your shoes.

The present:

Today, I split my time between recipe development & working with clients one-on-one to navigate chronic illnesses, regulate their cycles, improve digestion, move with less pain, & most importantly, feel more confident in their bodies.

I couldn't be more in love with the work I get to do; hearing client success stories, & being a part of their journey is something I hold with so much love & care - this is work is deeply personal & I don't take it lightly. Whether you're here for the first time, have tried a recipe, interested in sourdough, or want to work together, I hope to soon be a part of your journey too - leaving you feeling inspired to try something new, curious to learn, & excited to grow. 

- Kenn

My Go-to Recipes

These are my staples. Like weekly occurances. And a bonus, they're all super easy.

Ready to find relief?

Click the link below & let's chat.

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